Remember The Greatest People Who Made History In The World Of Dance?

Dance has become extremely vital in the world of entertainment. The most iconic moves were born because of the greatest dancers from all over the world. We have come to know famous dance moves such as the Jitterbug, the Moonwalk, the Charleston, and even the Macarena. Years and decades may have passed, but we have not forgotten about these awesome dances. We ought to give credit to these superstars who made them so famous.

Here are some of the most legendary figures in the world of dance. You might even get so inspired by them that you would gas up your car and drive to the nearest dance studio in your town.

The late Patrick Wayne Swayze was one of the most sought-after leading men for romantic films. After all, he started pursuing his multiple athletic and artistic skills at a very young age. While earning his degree at San Jacinto College Central, he was already into classical ballet. He was widely recognized during the 80s for starring in numerous films such as Dirty Dancing. In fact, Swayze received a Golden Globe nomination for this 1987 box office hit. It became one of the most culturally significant dance films of all time.

Michael Jackson is one of the most significant cultural figures in the entertainment industry. He was not only known for his impeccable talent as a singer-songwriter but also as one of the best dancers in history. We have seen his sick dance moves in those music videos, like the one from Thriller. In fact, fans followed many of his dance moves. Moreover, one of his most iconic performances was for the song Billie Jean, where he showed us how the moonwalk was done. He may not have invented the iconic moves we know and love so much, but he definitely made it famous. The late Jackson still has a jaw-dropping net worth of $500 million, so he must have a financial advisor who oversees his assets for his surviving family.

Prima ballerina Anna Pavlova may have passed away on January 23, 1931, but no ballet dancer has ever come close to her amazing talent. She is not only one of the best Russian dancers of all time, but also an international star. Pavlova was a principal artist of the Imperial Russian Ballet. She also designed the ever-so-famous pointe shoe, at least the precursor design of the modern one we all know today. As of 2021, she still has a jaw-dropping net worth of $13 million. Her family members must have multiple property investments from her.

The late American actor Fred Astaire is still one of the most influential dancers in the world today. He was an extremely talented man who was just a perfect fit in the world of art and entertainment. He could do all things in the most exceptional way, name it he could do it! Astaire was not only an actor and a dancer, but he also sang. For 76 years, he showcased his talents on stage and on screen. Today, Astaire is considered to be ballroom and top dancers in the history of film. After all, he did star in over 30 film musicals and over 10 stage musicals. As of 2021, he still has a staggering net worth of $10 million, so he must have had a lot of property investments.

Martha Graham was famously known for her great style in modern dance called The Graham technique. To this day, it is still taught all around the world. She truly reshaped American dance like nobody else. After all, she danced and taught it for over seven decades. She was quite the expressionist. Graham even pioneered the modern dance movement that prioritized fluidity over strict techniques. The degree of influence she has put in the world of dance is truly of great value.

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